METAMORPHOSIS™ coaches & Healers Edition!
Early Bird In Effect! Save $3333 Off Full Price - Limited Time Only!
Next Cohort Begins Oct. 2, '24 | Limited To Only 14 Badass Heart-Centered Coaches & Healers
Join our next cohort, We are


coaches Transforming coaches™
A transformative 12 week initiation experience
hosted by TRANSFORMATION COACH, GUIDE, Founder, & Spiritual MENTOR
Jonathan Carroll
Spaces are limited to 14 Badass heart-centered Coaches & Healers
Join the club,
network with other badasses,
be witnessed by your new tribe,
hone your unique message,
amplify your authentic soul mission,
leave standing unapologetically in your power,
 confidently sell more of your gifts!
book the early bird and save $3333!
Instalment plans available | priced to fill
Early Bird bonus:
2 Amplified™ 1:1 coaching calls with jonathan (valued at $2222)

come join the club!
   Receive two private 1:1 VIP Amplified™ coaching sessions with Founder, Transformation Coach, Guide, & Spiritual Mentor, Jonathan Carroll and a fully initiated membership into The Dragonfly Club™. 
   Members are invited to join our second annual, in-person summer retreat, affectionately named 'Sanctuary', in a boutique hotel only 2+ hours north of Toronto in a pristine wilderness setting fronting on a lake July 16-19. Sanctuary will feature workshops, presentations and other great offerings from other members of The Dragonfly Club™ and our esteemed guests!
   At the end of the 12 week initiation experience, members of The Dragonfly Club™ are invited to join our elite level membership to The Dragonfly Club™ Universe, our ongoing bi-weekly mastermind for heart-centered and impact driven entrepreneurs.

These calls offer members an opportunity to present and share their gifts with the community while continuing to stretch themselves and their leadership impact. We cover a variety of topics that help propel your business forward. Our membership community continues to get richer. 
looking to make more sales as a coach or healer?
look no further!
The Dragonfly Club™

coaches Transforming coaches™

Thanks for showing interest in The Dragonfly Club™ Metamorphosis™ experience!

This unique 12 week program is limited to 14 heart-centered coaches & healers who desire to come & be seen in their authentic truth amongst a group of others who desire the same.

This is for introverts & extroverts alike.
Together, in a safe space, we’ll work on a deeper discovery of self through sharing our insights about each other, with each other.

Using the multiple perspectives of the group, you’ll hone your message & mission that you’ve been called to share in this lifetime, we’ll help each other to amplify that message & step into greater confidence with delivering it to the world.
Come grow your network & connect with other badass coaches & healers while making new friends!

You’ll leave standing unapologetically in your power and ready to deliver a deeper impact in whatever you do, supported by your new tribe.

We’ll meet weekly for 12 weeks. Each week we'll go deeper into the process of peeling back layers of resistance & programming & revealing the core of our innate gifts for our newfound peers & then the world to witness.

We have some gifts we’d like to bestow upon you.

YOU are the offer.
YOU are the program.
YOU are the message.
YOU are the gift we will be opening.

Come be seen, felt & heard for WHO YOU ARE. 🎁

Want to know how this translates for your business?

it means more sales!

When you can confidently stand in your own truth while conveying the divine gifts that you have been put here on earth to share with the collective, you will naturally attract dream clients to you, with less effort and in shorter time! Wouldn't that be nice?
“I entered my journey as coach in a very impressionable state. Coaching came easy, yet building a business around it was foreign. Over the years I've had coaches that have led me down their path, never taking time to explore what my gifts were and how they could best align to my process of business building. After 5 years in this industry, not only have I made a name for myself, I have also lost and found myself throughout the process. I followed many a mentor down roads that were not aligned with my truest self and process. I am grateful for these experiences as they have led me back to center, to my inner knowing. The Dragonfly Club became a beacon of re-centering. A space, perfectly timed and placed in my path, that reminded me of my greatest powers and clearest intentions. It stripped away the need for results and expectations. It ushered in the warmth of a mothers’ love that you experience when true listening and witnessing takes place. It is the 'permission-giver' for coaches and leaders to follow their hearts’ calling despite the confusion it may create for outside observers. The Dragonfly Club is the safety net that catches us from falling deeper into a space of mis-alignment. If you're looking for a powerful place of growth and expansion but would also love to take a break from outside guidance and advice, The Dragonfly Club is your answer. We all suffer from ‘infobesity’ (the gluttony of information) at least once in our life. For me, having a space where I felt supported to be Self-Guided, without judgement, was exactly what I needed. I love The Dragonfly Club. And I am so grateful to have said YES!
Jonathan owns brilliance in his humility. He stands tall yet meets you eye to eye. His presence is powerful yet soft and comforting. Jonathan is such an amazing facilitator because he carries the essence of someone that is teaching and learning simultaneously. He promotes feelings of being seen and supported while also creating significance for those engaged with him. He does not force agendas, nor does he promote "his way." Jonathan leads by creating an open space to express, be seen and receive feedback without judgement or expectation. He is a master of this beautiful craft, Coaching.
The Dragonfly Club is a place where coaches and leaders can find safety in being their authentic self. Absent of the need to posture or perform. It is an incubator for further expansion, expression, and creativity. It is a place where the fear, insecurities, and darkness of our personal journeys is welcomed, received, witnessed, celebrated and HEALED. As coaches and leaders, we all need a place where we can feel safe to reveal what’s happening behind the curtain without the fear of rejection or abandonment. The Dragonfly Club provides this experience."
Danny Diaz
Life Performance Coach
“This group container is more than I ever could’ve asked for. The price point is insanely reasonable for the value I and others have received. Each week is a journey into the self and is a perfect balance of tangible 3D tools as well as spiritual/energetic principles. All of this held by an intimate container of the most incredibly loving, conscious, supportive soul family. I have quantum leaped in just the first 6 weeks of this container going from heavy/confused/dense energy to possibility/creativity/overflow vibes. Jonathan is an incredible and humble leader, creating and serving from his heart, always showing up with energy, passion, and empathy for each individual. Even if you’ve done tons of programs, this one is different and so magical. Give yourself the gift of community and being witnessed and get your ass in here!”
Savannah Joy
Founder & Embodied Feminine leadership coach
“I have been in so many containers I’ve honestly lost track & they’ve all been wonderful, but this one is truly special. I would say what makes this different is that the target for this container isn’t reaching a certain number of clients, or hitting financial goals, this container is optimized for reaching one’s soul potential. The “goal” is growth, not achievement to soothe the ego. What Jonathan has created is a space where you can’t hide, where you are loved & witnessed & accepted for ALL of who you are. The ego can’t thrive in that kind of environment. Self acceptance is the death of ego & Jonathan has created a space where there is ONLY acceptance… which creates the kind of safety that activates the entirety of one’s soul/heart. We become fully integrated. I have become fully integrated. That’s not to say I’m “done” or whatever, but I am reminded & surrounded by beautiful human beings who reinforce the knowing that I am whole & always have been. That’s the magic of what Jonathan is creating here. Growth for the sake of growth. True universal magic.”
Richard Earl Lonsbury
Executive Coach
“Jonathan is an epic leader and guide in this process that’s been unfolding for us all individually. So far in this experience, I’ve had the opportunity to completely dismantle the belief that I’m any sort of “alone” and feel totally seen and understood at where I’m at in this journey for truly one of the first times in my life. I feel held and loved and like I just made an entire room full of besties that I never would have met otherwise, so it’s been really fun too! I cannot recommend this experience enough as it’s crucial to work through the ascension process with others who get it and can help you navigate it with more grace. Excited for what’s ahead because I can feel this is only the beginning! Jonathan is a phenomenal facilitator and great at challenging us to think big. Like way big!”
Jesi Carroll
Life & Career Coach
who is Jonathan Carroll
and why Do you want to join 
The Dragonfly Club™ initiation for 
coaaches Transforming coaches™?

Dear Coach/Healer,

So many business coaches will claim to help you achieve $10K & $20K months by ‘following’ their ‘proven system’. 

The Dragonfly Club™ Metamorphosis™ experience takes an entirely different approach. We help badass, heart-centered coaches and healers who say, “fu€k the system!” 🖕🏻😎

We’re here to TRANSFORM it!

We’re ushering in a New Earth!

Instead of following a ‘system’, we follow a blueprint. The one that’s already been written long ago in our soul. It’s a process of releasing all programs. One of remembering who we are. An activation of our soul mission.

The ‘proof’ will be the impact we have on the world! Humanity is undergoing a collective shift. An up-levelling.

This work is for leaders who are ready for transformation! Change that’s waaaay more fulfilling than ‘following’ a ‘system’. 🤢 This is a calling for believers in a new way forward. It’s an invitation into expansion.

You’ll know when you’re ready. The voice inside you will only get louder. You don’t want to die with your magic stuck inside you.

Come be witnessed by your new tribe & become fully expressed!

There is not a more powerful or loving container this side of the North Pole! 📍

After some highly enlightened experiences with ancestral medicines, I’ve come to the point in my career that it’s time for me to amplify my impact.

Join us!

We are The Dragonfly Club™ for Coaches Transforming Coaches™

You will know us by our impact & our deeds. We’re joining forces with change-makers just like you!

Watch the money & abundance that flows from living your soul’s mission!

This is about quality over quantity.

Dragonflies represent transformation. You will definitely transform!

It would be an honour to have you be part of our club!

Big love, 💙


Founder | The Dragonfly Club™, Coaches Transforming Coaches™

ask yourself...
   Do you desire to build meaningful relationships with other badass, heart-centered, impact-driven coaches and healers like yourself to share knowledge and collaborate?
   Have you been successful doing what you do, but feel there is something more in you to give?
   Do you desire to slow down, get truly connected to your soul mission and achieve success without the endless uphill push?
   Would you like to be making more time for yourself, but somehow your real needs & desires end up on the back burner?
   Has becoming financially successful steered you away from what you love about your work & you wish you could just start fresh without losing what you've built?
   Has what other coaches taught you by way of tactics led to feelings of restlessness or confusion, knowing deep inside that there must be a better way?
   Are you beginning to feel that enough is enough and it's time for you to really amplify your impact?
Then Join us!
We are
The Dragonfly Club
A community of 
coaches Transforming coaches™
   Receive two private 1:1 VIP Amplified™ coaching sessions with Founder, Transformation Coach, Guide, & Spiritual Mentor, Jonathan Carroll and a fully initiated membership into The Dragonfly Club™. 
   Members are invited to join our second annual, in-person summer retreat, affectionately named 'Sanctuary', in a boutique hotel only 2+ hours north of Toronto in a pristine wilderness setting fronting on a lake July 16-19. Sanctuary will feature workshops, presentations and other great offerings from other members of The Dragonfly Club™ and our esteemed guests!
   At the end of the 12 week initiation experience, members of The Dragonfly Club™ are invited to join our elite level membership to The Dragonfly Club™ Universe, our ongoing bi-weekly mastermind for heart-centered and impact driven entrepreneurs.

These calls offer members an opportunity to present and share their gifts with the community while continuing to stretch themselves and their leadership impact. We cover a variety of topics that help propel your business forward. Our membership community continues to get richer. 
a few nuggets about Jonathan...
  • He's led hundreds: On leadership expeditions & retreats in remote wilderness areas of the world.
  • Human Design: As a 'Projector' Jonathan has the gift of seeing your highest timeline & sharing those insights directly with his clients.
  • He loves everyone: He sees your limitless potential, higher self & future timeline!
  • He's earned the designation: Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
  • He's helped hundreds worldwide: discover & develop their innate gifts & talents...
  • ​He created The Dragonfly Club™ for Coaches Transforming Coaches™ to collaborate with change-makers like YOU, to amplify our impact through collaboration!
“The Dragonfly Club initiation has allowed me to stretch and show up in a different way than I have been able to outside of this container. Through the time I've participated in this program, I've learned about myself in unexpected ways and look forward to where this will lead me. I like the focus on becoming rather than doing. Of course we are all doing things but we definitely don't need any more strategy. Jonathan is open and intuitive and can see connections that not everyone can see. He also provides great encouragement to everyone involved. I definitely recommend this experience to anyone looking to grow and stretch into who they truly are.
Joshua Peters
high performance coach
“The Dragonfly Club Initiation is a wonderfully unique program and community. In an industry that is often fraught with high ticket, hyper-masculine and/or impractical programs, Jonathan has succeeded in creating a warm, generous container for high-level conscious leaders and practitioners that serves to both nurture and grow its members in ways that are practical and profound. It’s really special. I am honored to be a part of it.”
Merritt Minnemeyer
Executive leadership expert
“What a thoroughly satisfying experience! I've loved the entire journey... Jonathan is a light-handed facilitator, allowing others to grow by providing the context and space to do so. He’s has created a unique and nourishing container - from the prompts, to the delightful people I've gotten to know as part of the experience. The Dragonfly Club has been a highlight of my year!”
Melanie McCool
entrepreneur's hypnotherapist
“I was looking for a new community of growth-oriented badasses and I found them in The Dragonfly Club. It’s simply good people making good vibes. Jonathan’s weekly sessions have been great at reconnecting me, and reminding me of my power, my commitments, and my impact. This was such an easy yes for me and one I would highly recommend for others.”
Bob Conlin
men's leadership coach
“Jonathan's ability to hold space and move through complicated topics is unparalleled. He creates space for the synergy of the group and that starts on day 1! The energy and emotion that is woven in each week is spectacular and I believe that what we grow within the collective space will continue to blossom and multiply over the span of many years. The community is great .... but the inner work is the real magic. Bomb -visualizations, dancing and other structured but free FUN! Jonathan invites people into a collective where he holds space and facilitates creative expression and internal growth. The rewards for this type of work are endless and multiplied in your life, relationships, and business. Jonathan is a true guru and the community he has cultivated will give you the space to just BE for connecting to that next level of you”
Sheridan Cotrell
Life Lover | Business Consultant | Expert Fun Haver | CEO
“The Dragonfly Club is more than a safe place, it’s a forum where esoteric conversations occur and the mystic can be revealed. Jonathan creates a space that allows for participants to be witnessed, leading to manifesting their fullest potential. It’s extremely subtle, yet entirely powerful. I can hardly keep up with my own “discovering” that is happening in this space… Jonathan guides as an ego-free leader and has a real ability to witness and empower the group. The experience has been so welcome and desired.”
Phillip Pedack
Life coach
“Being a part of The Dragonfly Club has given me a different appreciation for what a group program can be. It has been a journey grounded in love, where all of me is allowed to be seen and heard. Jonathan lovingly and gently holds a safe space to show up not only in your greatness but also in your messiness. The witnessing of others and myself in this process has been profound. I have reclaimed parts of myself that I had hidden, allowed myself to be imperfect, and found support from my fellow Dragonflies not based on money, success or anything external but for simply being me. I am so grateful for this community and for Jonathan's love and guidance on this journey.”
Piper Dominguez
Life Coach for Entrepreneurs and Creatives
”The Dragonfly Club is a great opportunity to put down the expectations and “shoulds” guiding your personal and business development and tap into your own inner knowing to truly unlock what’s next. Jonathan gives a high level of permission (and accountability) to dive deep into what really nourishes you, inspires you, and turns you the fuck on in life. Experiencing that container alongside a group of committed peers doing the work has been very supportive as I design what’s next in my business.“
Craig Cassey Jr.
Professional Exec Life Coach & Coach Trainer
“What makes The Dragonfly Club so unique is the heart. Jonathan has created a loving space for leaders to come together & witness each other. It's a place to feel seen & show up exactly as I am. It's a homecoming, which, when you think about it, is what we're seeking from the moment we're born until we leave. It's a place to put down the heavy burdens & worries of being a business owner, and relax. Jonathan has a gift in crafting energetic experiences, guiding & facilitating real growth that delivers.”
Jessica McKay
Copywriter, Copy Coach & Marketing Strategist
“The Dragonfly Club is a powerful container of support to be witnessed, without judgement or criticism. I have shown up fully as myself and taken off any masks to be seen and heard by other powerful leaders. I have found that I am not alone in the journey of being a leader and change maker. There is an abundance of wisdom and love. I have never experienced this type of love in the 7 years that I have actively participated in personal development. Jonathan is able to identify exactly what is needed. He lets it unfold in it's own way and timing. His patience and love is felt during the entire process. And he invites everyone to show up and share their true expression. Play is huge and has been a big part of the process. I am delighted I said yes!! This 12 week container has been a massive catalyst for me to resolve some powerful things with relationships and money. Everyone shows up and is seen and heard. This has changed the trajectory of my life and I am forever grateful. What a divine experience of LIFE, to be witnessed in the craziest places of this life. I am not the same person. I love my fellow dragonflies!"
Katrina Starr
alchemist for extraordinary men
“Upon first connecting with Jonathan, I immediately knew I was being reunited with soul family. Greeted with a smile as warm & radiant as the Sun itself, visceral feelings of kinship & disarming authenticity, JC is a safe & embodied masculine. His soul – it’s pure medicine, remembrance, reminds me of ‘home’ – these are his gifts… acceptance, witnessing, belonging, bolstering, expansion. He will help *you* guide *yourself* into your highest timeline, your truest self, your divine appointment. In his presence, and within the sacred space Jonathan creates & subsequently invites others to step into, both within themselves & within this one-of-a-kind community in The Dragonfly Club, your truest reflection awaits, and thereafter, anything you desire to call in. Within a space of safety, unrivaled peer/tribe support, you will unavoidably remember who you are, and why you are here – and, you will feel the safest you’ve ever felt in not only being witnessed, but in being celebrated & unconditionally met, seen, heard, held & loved.”
Brittany Paquette
Intuitive Holistic Healer & Spiritual Activator
"This container couldn't have entered the picture at a better time for me personally. The collective energy coupled with the engaging and transformational content that Jonathan has curated, within the context of a shared intention to become the most impactful heart-centered leaders we can be has had a profound effect on me. Jonathan has the ability to hold a safe, playful, yet very intentional container, and is responsive to the needs of each participant, while leading the group through powerful exercises and experiences that assist the individual and collective evolution of the Club. I look forward to these calls every week, because I know that something will shift, or a fresh aha will be had. I am beyond grateful that I chose to participate in The Dragonfly Club. Thank you Jonathan, and thank you fellow Dragonflies!"
Graey Indigo

"What If I Fall?
Oh, But My Darling, What If You Fly?”

~ Erin Hanson

What's Important About Dragonflies?

'The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change, and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life. The dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications & aspects of life.'
"I have done quite a bit of personal development work over the past 10+ years. I've been a fan of Jonathan’s work and knew that he would be the one to help me find clarity on who I am stepping into as a leader and in the evolution of my business. Jonathan has an innate ability to guide me to see my true gifts and to help me shed my past identities in order to rebirth a new one. I believe this to be his super power."
Tavia Sharp
Brand Image Coach
“When beginning with The Dragonfly Club, I had no idea & no set expectations of what was to come from it. All I knew was that I had been invited into a container that would be run by a man I had watched grow from a distance and had come to respect and feel inspired by. I also recognized I had been feeling pretty lonely on this journey of starting and running my own coaching business. What I gained over 12 weeks is a sense of community. Coming from a woman who had never really felt she fit anywhere, THIS IS BIG! The Dragonfly Club has become a sort of soul family; they are such a beautiful part of my life now. One I would not know had I said no when asked to join. I’ve felt more seen, more held, and more accepted by Jonathan and my new soul family than I have at any point before this one. I’m typing this through the happiest of tears! Thank you Jonathan. My love and gratitude are overflowing. To any of you reading this and debating joining any program hosted by the amazing Mr. Carroll, my suggestion is that you close your eyes and allow yourself to fall into the arms of what could be the safest container you ever have the honor of joining.”
Heather Renee
Personal Empowerment & Life Transition Coach
“When Jonathan first approached me about The Dragonfly Club, I was intrigued. Then, with one conversation I signed up despite not knowing fully why or what I was signing up for, but I felt aligned & I wanted to be in the energy of the container he was building. Within the first week I knew I was home. The loving community & powerfully inspiring, beautiful people became my family, no... they always had been. This was merely a reunion, at a soul level. How wild that I could become so close & connected so quickly! Each call is high vibrational, nourishing & life affirming. We all lift one another up & I trust this group completely. Jonathan's ability to create such a group & his intuition & energy with which he runs the calls are unparalleled. He is an expert space holder & high vibe curator. I love the sheer energy, love, & light he brings to each call & conversation. I have grown so much in a short amount of time as a result of The Dragonfly Club & my world is a better place knowing that my fellow Dragonflies are here with me.”
Noah Kowaloff
The Joy Prophet
 The Dragonfly Club™ right fit
Commitment to the process & to elevating the experience through sharing of yourself is a requirement.
The Dragonfly Club™ is for you if...
  • For you if: You are willing to commit to sharing on the calls & in the private Facebook Group. We call this being witnessed. 
  • For you if: You are willing to commit to speaking up in service of witnessing others (offering insight, perspectives & feedback that is loving & constructive). 
  • For you if: You are willing to show up to the calls as a way to elevate the entire experience through your energy, unique contribution, collaboration & sharing with others.
  • For you if: You have a high Emotional Intelligence (EQ) described as "the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you". There are five key elements to EQ: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
The Dragonfly Club™ is not for you if...
Merely paying for & showing up to the calls without participating fully will not provide you with the outcomes & transformation that you are looking for, nor will it help to elevate the experience for others.
  • Not for you if: You are unable to, or not willing to commit to being on the live calls.
  • Not for you if: You do miss a call & choose NOT to catch up between calls by watching the recording.
  • Not for you if: You expect that observation alone will deliver a desired experience or add value for others.
  • Not for you if: You want to keep conversations at a surface level without ever going deeper.
"The safe space that Jonathan creates is truly one of a kind. Every part of you is there to be witnessed as you, exactly as you are in this now moment in all that you are and all that you are becoming. Jonathan is like a cheerleader, in the best way! He cheers me on and celebrates everything. He truly loves seeing others win and it's beautiful. He also has a way of making you feel very special."
Meghan Miller
Divine Feminine Leadership Coach & Embodiment Mentor
“Jonathan has attracts amazing (intelligent, eloquent, present, dedicated, intuitive, spiritual, entrepreneurial, deep) people & his leadership makes everybody feel safe & welcome to share. The trust & openness everybody brings is very special. Having a space specifically intended for both witnessing others & being witnessed is so unique. Working with Jonathan is a joy. He is like a ray of sunshine that brightens up your day, warms your body & puts you in a great mood. I look forward to our group calls every week. He has created a space where a group of very diverse people get together & share the most intimate details of their life, allowing huge breakthroughs to happen for both the individual & for anybody who resonates with the healing. Jonathan leads the experience & holds space in a way that deep emotions can surface & be transformed. For me personally, as I tend to prefer to observe & listen rather than put myself forward, being in this space specifically created for everybody to be witnessed is an extremely valuable & meaningful experience. I joined The Dragonfly Club without knowing what to expect, simply following the huge YES that I felt with my whole being. If you feel called to work with Jonathan, even if you cannot explain why, I would advise you to follow that feeling and say yes! I am so glad I did.”
Sophie Clair Runciman
High Calibre Sales Expert & Coach
“The Dragonfly Club is the most unique program container that I've ever participated in. I can feel the love & compassion from every member when we meet. We're all working together to become the best versions of ourselves. It has been instrumental in my continued transformation. I feel like I'm evolving at breakneck speed. I have found the environment to be incredibly welcoming, with no judgement & no comparison. We’re all working together to ride our edges & expand our heart space, enabling us to show up big where it matters. Jonathan brings exercises that are impactful & really help continue to guide me home to myself. I feel like I have become a completely different person since beginning this journey & would gladly do it all over again.”
Aaron Hurst
Life Coach
“I signed up for this program with trust that Jonathan would deliver something unique & impactful, but with no real context of what it would really be like. My hopes have been blown away & then some! Every week our tribe connects even more. The space for curiosity, personal, peer to peer, & group exploration is second to none. I know that I am building a tribe that will continue far beyond this program. Only halfway through this experience I made some huge decisions which have brought me so much calm, an openness to new possibilities & freedom. The Dragonfly Club has been more than I could have ever expected!”
Tracey Wicks
Women's Leadership Professional
Alright, I think I'm ready to join the club but I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask first. Can I call you?
You sure can! CLICK HERE to schedule a quick free call & we'll take it from there. This is NOT a sales call. You are not under any pressure to commit. ​I'll answer any questions you have and we can decide together if it feels like the right decision for you. Alternatively, if you're already connected to Jonathan & you'd rather send him a message, feel free to do that.
What Will I Get From The Dragonfly Club Initiation Experience for Coaches Transforming Coaches?
First of all you’ll gain a new tribe (or soul family) of other badass heart-centered coaches, healers and leaders who see the very best in you. You will be witnessed and given the opportunity to witness others. We crowd source perspectives about who we see you BEing in the world and share blind spots that may be worthwhile for you to understand. You will inevitably learn new ways to think about what's most important to you while living in accordance with your values. You'll uncover the power of your Higher Self & explore ways to strengthen that over time. The experience is designed to be highly introspective & uses methods which Jonathan Carroll has used to powerfully transform the lives of other amazing Dragonfly Club members.
How Is The Dragonfly Club Different Than Any Other Experience?
This is not just an informational program. It’s TRANSFORMATIONAL. To powerfully transform extraordinary coaches, healers and leaders, we need to help you go deeper than ever before. Together, with the help of your loving new tribe, we will deepen your process of self-discovery & transformation. On day one Jonathan establishes the importance of setting the parameters for a loving and safe container for The Dragonfly Club members to heal, stretch and grow together. Through group processing, sharing perspectives, powerful exercises, & much more, you will open the doors to where deep transformation happens.
How Long Does The Experience Last?
The Dragonfly Club initiation is a 12 week program. Each call is scheduled for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 2.5 hours.
What if I know I will miss a week?
The experience is largely about being witnessed, witnessing others, sharing your perspectives and elevating the group experience through your regular contribution. You are asked to be present and participate in every call. Having said that, when life does demand for you to be somewhere else during the live call, you are expected to watch the replay to catch up before the next week. If you know in advance that you will miss more than two of the twelve weeks, please arrange to speak with Jonathan before claiming your space in The Dragonfly Club. It may be determined that you are a better fit for a future cohort.
What If I Don't Like It? Is There A Money-Back Guarantee?
Given that spaces are limited and in high demand, you are expected to ask all of the questions that you need to in order to make an informed decision before claiming your space in The Dragonfly Club. There are no refunds after purchase.
High Praise
merritt minnemeyer
danny diaz
melanie mccool
tavia sharp
METAMORPHOSIS™ coaches & Healers Edition!
Early Bird In Effect! Save $3333 Off Full Price - Limited Time Only!
Next Cohort Begins Oct. 2, '24 | Limited To Only 14 Badass Heart-Centered Coaches & Healers
Join our next cohort, We are


coaches Transforming coaches™
A transformative 12 week initiation experience
hosted by TRANSFORMATION COACH, GUIDE, Founder, & Spiritual MENTOR
Jonathan Carroll
Spaces are limited to 14 Badass heart-centered Coaches & Healers
Join the club,
network with other badasses,
be witnessed by your new tribe,
hone your unique message,
amplify your authentic soul mission,
leave standing unapologetically in your power,
 confidently sell more of your gifts!
book the early bird and save $3333!
Instalment plans available | priced to fill
Early Bird bonus:
2 Amplified™ 1:1 coaching calls with jonathan (valued at $2222)

come join the club!
   Receive two private 1:1 VIP Amplified™ coaching sessions with Founder, Transformation Coach, Guide, & Spiritual Mentor, Jonathan Carroll and a fully initiated membership into The Dragonfly Club™. 
   Members are invited to join our second annual, in-person summer retreat, affectionately named 'Sanctuary', in a boutique hotel only 2+ hours north of Toronto in a pristine wilderness setting fronting on a lake July 16-19. Sanctuary will feature workshops, presentations and other great offerings from other members of The Dragonfly Club™ and our esteemed guests!
   At the end of the 12 week initiation experience, members of The Dragonfly Club™ are invited to join our elite level membership to The Dragonfly Club™ Universe, our ongoing bi-weekly mastermind for heart-centered and impact driven entrepreneurs.

These calls offer members an opportunity to present and share their gifts with the community while continuing to stretch themselves and their leadership impact. We cover a variety of topics that help propel your business forward. Our membership community continues to get richer. 
a tidal transformation inc. production
The Dragonfly Club™, created by Tidal Transformation™ Inc. is a revolutionary community that offers life-changing personal development experiences to help curious seekers find purpose, passion and full expression in their life and business. Founder, Transformation Coach, Guide and Spiritual Mentor Jonathan Carroll is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Even though he has extensive experience in the business world, he has also led hundreds of people on transformational journeys through the wilderness, and is best known for his generous, high-vibing spirit. Clients say Jonathan has an innate talent for helping you identify your own divine gifts, so you can design a life and business of success on your own terms.
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The Dragonfly Club™ Leaders Transforming Leaders™
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